Maliau basin

March 6, 2020


The Maliau basin is a bowl-like conservation area in central Sabah, Borneo.  Surrounded by an escarpment reaching over 1600 meters it constitutes a single water catchment drained by the Maliau River.

  • 1 Maliau basin.jpg

    View over the outer southern rim.

  • 2 Maliau Begonia amphioxus.jpg

    Similar to Begonia amphioxus but that is a begonia supposedly endemic to the limestone hills of Batu Punggul.

  • 3 Maliau Begonia sp.jpg

    Same begonia as above.

  • 4 Maliau basin Nepenthes stenophylla.jpg

    Nepenthes stenophylla.

  • 5 Maliau basin Nepenthes hirsuta.jpg

    Nepenthes hirsuta & brave mosquito.

  • 6 Maliau Begonia gueritziana.jpg

    Possibly Begonia gueritziana.

  • 7 Maliau Begonia sp.jpg

    Begonia sp.

  • 8 Maliau_Etlingera brevilabrum.jpg

    Etlingera brevilabrum, ginger family.

  • 9 Maliau Scindapsus.jpg

    The common houseplant Scindapsus pictus.

  • 10 Maliau root climber.jpg

    Small climber on large buttress roots.

  • 11 Maliau Plagiostachys strobilifera.jpg

    Plagiostachys strobilifera, ginger family.

  • 12 Maliau selaginella etc.jpg
  • 13 Maliau.jpg
  • 14 Maliau Jewel orchid.jpg

    Jewel orchid.

  • 15 Maliau gesneriad?.jpg


  • 16 Maliau Calathea sp.jpg

    Calathea sp.

  • 17 Maliau Begonia sp Agathis.jpg

    Begonia on rock along the Agathis trail.

  • 18 Maliau liana.jpg

    Peculiar fruit of a liana.

  • 19 Maliau Agathis river.jpg

    Agathis river.