Picos de Europa

Jul 20 2016


Although located next to the Bay of Biscay and therefore frequently covered in mists or rain, the higher elevations of Picos de Europa has limited surface water and relatively few plants. As a limestone mountain the rock is water soluble and with time underground drainage systems develops to which surface water quickly infiltrates. Picu Urriello is a bit over 2500 meters high. Most plants below are pictured at altitudes between 1500-2000 meter. 

  • Field-trip_Vertical-Garden-Design_Spain_Picos-de-europa_SIlene-acaulis.jpg

    Silene acaulis with Pico Urriellu in the back.

  • Field-trip_Vertical-Garden-Design_Spain_Picos-de-europa_Globularia-repens.jpg

    Globularia repens.

  • Field-trip_Vertical-Garden-Design_Spain_Picos-de-europa_Arenaria-purpurascens.jpg

    Arenaria purpurascens at dawn.

  • Field-trip_Vertical-Garden-Design_Spain_Picos-de-europa_Genista-legionensis.jpg

    Genista legionensis with Pico Urriellu in the back.

  • Field-trip_Vertical-Garden-Design_Spain_Picos-de-europa_Lithodora.jpg

    Lithodora diffusum.

  • Field-trip_Vertical-Garden-Design_Spain_Picos-de-europa_Saxifraga-trifurcata.jpg

    Saxifraga trifurcata at lower elevation during cloudy morning hours.

  • Field-trip_Vertical-Garden-Design_Spain_Picos-de-europa_Dianthus.jpg

    Dianthus sp.